Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Football: Great damage Francisco Cardenas television … – Daily and Radio Uchile


Francisco Cardenas | 8:49 pm .

television has not only damaged and changed the show inside stadiums, but also training and the type of audience that continues to date to date local football. The mediocrity of the current leaders and their business alliances prevent the growth of activity and its utilitarian way of seeing the sport has been declining interest, expanding their practice and the quality of it.

the recent, well-deserved and well done triumph of Colo-Colo on the Catholic University contrasted with mediocre attendance, the absence of the visiting public and cold environment framed one of the best matches of the current championship. Incomplete stands and little interest generated by the national championship can not be explained solely by the failure of the insurance plan as many touting stadium. And while it is true that the government program was unable to control or solve the problem of violence and fear-repudiation producing hooligans in the real fans, a deeper look shows that incompetence also has other allies they are still responsible.

Today, professional teams no longer base their major gains in ticket sales to the public and its replacement have decided filled with ethical advertising and aesthetically questionable. In addition, and where it lies the major drawback is that people have replaced by television rights and these have become the largest income dealerships. While payments for the telecast of the matches in the world is the mainstay of the footballing activity in our country it has become the exclusive way and thus have assigned to the fans below and unnecessary monetary value that contrasts sharply with the big leagues.

in this way, Chilean teams have opted to have less public in the stands because this measure significantly reduces security costs and planning sporting events. Similarly frees the leaders of the responsibility to care for and ensure the safety of the event and the result ends up affecting us all. Moreover, the show is of such low quality that reduced traffic counts are completed even scheduled and attendance is shameful in the stands. However, despite this, the advertising and television continue to make large sums of money. Of course, concessionaires and television networks the public are not affected or are worried because they have already signed their contracts and are now the exclusive owners of the ball.

The television has not only damaged and modified the show inside stadiums, but also training and the type of audience that continues to date to date local football. The fans have been replaced by fans who do not play sports and take advantage of the multiple transmissions to criticize, often groundlessly and from the comfort of your armchair, the mistakes and failures of the players while thicken her figure inlaying roasts, sandwiches and they could not afford drinks into the stadium thanks to the high prices that the dealers have imposed unilaterally and outside all regulation and justice. This is something that should be reviewed by the SERNAC and agencies to protect us. If we are to be treated only as consumers then at least that inherent in that status most basic rights. That would be the minimum.

In addition to the above, the mediocrity of the current leaders and their business alliances prevent the growth of activity and its utilitarian way of seeing the sport has been declining interest, enlargement practice and quality thereof. Television has been a perfect partner in that puerile objective because it guarantees income without any effort and collect profits for your pocket. That same dance of millions perhaps explains the shallowness in security measures and containment of violence by governments. Nobody wants to spend money on what is not valued or given extra money. No matter to change the president of the ANFP, no matter they shall judge the above. What is rotten is that football in question only as a business and the benefits of their practice, fair competition, the sporting spectacle and the fans that really deserve much more are neglected.

But the biggest damage occurs in the formation of future players. Watch a game on TV has nothing to do with going directly to the stadium. Not only is the environment because the cameras show only the segment of the field where the game action takes place and with that we lose the ability to appreciate the positional collective movements and the various confrontations that occur before the ball reaches a given the field sector. Added to that have to endure the rapporteurs and commentators and boring reflections. In my experience as a trainer I insist that children and young people come to watch football stadiums because that is where they can observe a lot of actions and situations that television omitted. To give an example: the physical struggle that occurs between defenders and forwards before the arrival of the ball or run looking empty space. In that melee skills, strength, speed and power lie the advantages which can then generate depth, goals or inability to convert thanks to the good defensive work. The result ends up being that people understand little and watch less, becoming illiterate game and missing the best part of it.

Many players complain that ordinary people criticize without knowing anything about football and They are partly right. However, we should add that also many professional players also have good training and fully understand the game they play. Television has completely distorted the way we see and understand football and product segmentation that today only the great figures deserve admiration. Marcelo Bielsa told Josep Guardiola to see the talent of Messi was not a special skill because it is given any account but does not understand anything about football and he was right. But there is one Messi and indeed the capacity of technical or observers should be on discovering qualities in players that nobody appreciates or admires and train in order to bring it to its best. Today, thanks to television and contrary to what many expected, that possibility has been reduced because fewer children routinely play football and managers are limited to watch videos and have fewer practical tools. Just as physicians now can not diagnose almost anything without a specific test, most of those who watch football are unable to recognize and understand the bases that support the game. You can not forget that this is a team sport, each player has different functions inside the court and obviously individual skills are embedded in a group strategy that is definitely more important than personal success.

If we want to return people to the stadiums we must change the focus and be more responsible with our individual decisions. Ending violence is everyone’s responsibility but greater political and sports leaders and it’s time finally solve it. That is only the first step, then you have to raise the quality of the game, reducing the costs of inputs and related products, form good players, increase adhesion and identification of clubs with their fans. We must also take steps to masifiquen sport aside and allow the remote control. The next time you think about buying a package premium to see all the football on TV better allocate a portion of their money to strengthen neighborhood teams and children’s competitions. Lest resources end, after a long and twisted chain in the pockets of all we criticize them today.


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