Wednesday, March 2, 2016

‘Change TV law is needed’: ANTV –

The need for regulation that includes the new digital content platforms like Netflix, a thorny topic which everyone talks and analyzes, but which no solutions in sight seen, was warned on Tuesday at the start of Andina Link, the most important convergence and multimedia technologies, held in Cartagena industry fair.

this theme was treated in the panel ‘the rules of the game in the digital age’, which brought together experts and representatives of operators, trade and academia throughout Latin America.

According to operators, these platforms called over the top (OTT) are not governed by the legal framework, ie that do not add for users, nor taxes, which places them in a place of privilege competitive.

The issue of possible television law was also recurrent and led discussions and reflections.

According to Ernesto Orozco, one of the commissioners of the National Television Authority (ANTV), it is necessary and appropriate to have a new law on television. “They have lost four years, with Law 1507 of 2012, as this only covered the distribution for some subjects to ANTV and left other responsibilities marketing and competence to the Commission for Communications Regulation (CRC), as well as tasks the National spectrum Agency, regarding the distribution of the spectrum, “he said. He added that the original idea was to amend Law 182 of 1995. “We have 20 years with the same law that already fell short precisely because of advances in technology and the change has been

watching television,” said the commissioner. Minister of ICT, David Luna, convened Friday in the Eroica some worktables, after the end of Andina Link, to delineate what could be a new regulation for television, with much emphasis on convergent and digital, he explained.

ANTV Orozco has said that the draft of a study by two international experts and one Colombian, specializing in market and competition. At the end of this month it available to the public for comment.


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