Saturday, May 21, 2016

Substantial capitalization National Television – LaTercera (Record)

The government’s decision to send to Congress a substitutive to capitalize National Television and provide resources for the implementation of a second signal with “cultural and educational” purposes indication has generated various and understandable reactions in public opinion and among parliamentarians will discuss the proposal of the Executive.

Obviously, this is an injection of fresh resources for a public company that has shown no minimum efficiency standards and responsible management of their resources. In just five years, TVN spent to generate more than 80 billion pesos in sales, costs will not exceed the 56 billion pesos, to a reality where revenues do not reach the 50 billion pesos and expenses exceed 70 billion pesos. The company came to manage significant resources in cash, but they ended up invested in projects with zero margin.

The deterioration in financial performance has been accompanied by a record drop in their levels of audiences, revealing one loss of connection with viewers, the same as the company’s chairman now says he is recovering based on an unusual dose of imported based on biblical facts contained series.

hard to believe that this meets the objectives that took the legislator when considering the existence of a public television channel in the framework of a competitive industry and with multiple options for users. Not lack those who say that it is the result of a policy which forced the company to compete for advertising instead of having a permanent state funding that would allow it to offer a course higher quality content, as if the principles of profitability and quality they were impossible to unite.

But that’s not all. As stated by the President of the Republic today is very complex “drive and fund public TV”. And the causes are obvious: fewer viewers, increased competition from new technology and lower income platforms, all of which has led even a setback ever seen in television sales in the country

. However, an outdated vision of the entrepreneur State imposed again in public policy, leading the government to respond to this new reality with greater resources to persist in the same and even found a new channel.

Pointless. Even arguing a change in the administration of the company, especially when it resorts to the Senior Public Management to select board members, although most of the candidates selected in this way does not stand the first change of government.

it is clear that the relationship the president of National Television proposed for the cultural channel ( “cultural channel will be possible to the extent that we develop a strong synergy with TVN,” he said this means) constitute a form subsidy for public enterprise permanently. To avoid this risk, only to the extent that this questionable idea of ​​cultural channel fructify, as efficient as it would tender this operation between all stakeholders.

The government’s proposal is part of a misdiagnosis of reality by traversing the television industry and does nothing more than provide resources to a company with obvious problems of administration, without demanding greater guarantees.


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