On the occasion of Victory Day against fascism, the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic hosted a symphonic concert in the ruins of the ancient city of Palmyra, on May 5, 2016.
Speaking live from Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled and celebrated the historic common allied victory against Nazism that ended the Great Patriotic War-that is, to the Second World War and the recent victory Russia and Syria on terrorism.
in a joint transmission Syrian-Russian, viewers could see aerial images of the damage caused in the historic Syrian city of Palmyra terrorists backed by Western powers and the monarchies the Gulf.
Next, the Russian orchestra Mariinsky Theatre and the national symphony orchestra of Syria offered at the ancient theater of Palmyra a symphonic concert that also included the Mari orchestra and choir Farah.
the city of Palmyra, the famous “ desert town ” queen Zenobia, is the historic symbol of resistance against the Roman Empire and a civilization based on cooperation between different religions.
on May 5 is celebrated in Russia “ Victory Day ” about fascism and May 6 Syria celebrates the “ Day Martyrs “. Both celebrations this year were spread across televisions in both countries.

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