Saturday, July 20, 2013

Is it harmful to young children's exposure to television? - The New

The magnitude of the problem is so significant one it is n ± os tÃpicos affecting child whose primary diagnosis is a delay in speech and language development.

becoming more s common to see child ± os for 2-3 year ± os who barely speak, but the difficulty is not the result of a diagnosis like autism, pà © hearing loss or diagnoses similar that carry only a problem in developing an effective communication n. The majority are ± os tÃpicos child whose primary diagnosis is a delay in speech and language development.

The magnitude of the problem is so significant that we begin to investigate possible causes, not for diagnosis, but for the severity. It is during that process data recopilacià ³ n arises n possible explanation: the majority of them have spent the first two to three years ± years of their lives watching television.

sobreexposicià ³ n in these early years ± os to television n, videos (including the famous Baby Einstein) or computers deprive the child ± os of hours in which They could be developing interpersonal activities, social games and exploring the environment. Language development requires a sender and a receiver, is an interactive activity, contrary to the television that is purely visual n-passive.

Barney, Dora or other characters learn colors, numbers and letters, but can not express some basic necessities. If the exposure n the television n is in another language, the damage ± or’s even n more, some of these children ± I speak with an accent strange ± oy have great difficulty understanding and using the rules of structure espaà ± ol, as are conjugate verbs or using elements gà © nero, number or person.

Another feature of these children ± os is a lapse of attention n extremely short. The sobreexposicià ³ n to n visual stimulation programs that provide child ± os, which is characterized by quick movements and colors, causes auditory processing skills are left behind. These skills are vital to the development of good attention in hearing.

Exposure to many hours watching television limits the movement of the child ± os, by which the sensory system in general (including vestibular) is deprived of information of the environment required for development and modulacià ³ n sensory adequate , in turn, a better redundarÃa attention.


exposure nta n is damage ± ina? The American Society of Pediatrics recommends that children 2 ± year ± os os or less © n is not exposed to television n because such activity does not result in benefits for their development. The optometrists warn of damage ± or the development of vision. The perception on visual and the development of vision occurs generally within the first 8 years ± os of life, which, before that age, it is not wise to spend hours with your eyes focused on television N.A

Finally, an investigation of a study at the University of Montreal, in Canada and the University of Michigan in the United States, reports on the negative effects of TV in child ± os 2 year ± os.

The study evaluates the execution ³ n ± os of the kids at school and parents indicated CUA many hours of television the child n ± os veÃan. The difficulties encountered were:

* Difficulty

school adjustment and development in the class lounge.

* Difficulty of physical activity with the consequences this entails.

* Tendency to eat unhealthy foods or junk.

 Do I need any additional evidence that we limit exposure to television n n ± os our child?

The author is director of the Puerto Rico Tomatis. The Tomatis Center of Puerto Rico is an institution n Pharmacologic © utico-educational use programs modalities and tà © psychotherapy techniques most s effective as therapy auditory sensory Tomatis, the program Lindamood Bell, the oral-motor therapy, therapy for childhood apraxia of speech and narrative, to help child ± os and young people with various development DESA ³ orders or diagnoses overcome many of their difficulties. He has developed an integrated and intensive ± os child with autism, reading and writing problems, childhood apraxia of speech and preschoolers with cochlear implants. S For more information, call 787-774-1163 or 787-774-1164. Also © n can write an e-mail Address

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