class=”text”> A viewer handles the remote control. (Gtres)
exceeded last year in revenue for the first time the turnover of free TV segment, due to the decline in advertising spending and a slight increase in revenue achieved by payment platforms , according to the annual report for 2012 of the Telecommunications Market Commission (CMT) presented Tuesday.
Thus, the report notes that the largest decline in revenue in the audiovisual sector over the previous year was experienced by DTT channels in open, with a total turnover of 1665.8 million , representing a decrease of 17.9% over 2011.
While the pay television managed to increase its revenues by 2.5% , to 1746.8 million euros to exceed revenues for the first time achieved by air television. This increase does not mean that the crisis has not affected the payment chain. In fact in 2012 lost 351,636 subscribers globally (7.5%), although they managed to offset this leakage subscribers changing their rates or other income.
Among the causes that may have influenced this decline in subscribers, CMT highlights the fall in domestic demand generated by lower consumption in households and by the fact that these services dispense considered essential as the increase in the third quarter of VAT on pay-TV services.
multiservice operators gaining ground
CMT also highlights how it is changing the field of pay TV, with the entry of new operators. In this regard, the report notes that operators offering broadband, telephony and pay TV have been gaining up to the end of 2012 more than 50% of total pay-TV subscribers.
class=”imp”> In late 2012, a total of 4.3 million subscribers to pay-TV services in Spain At the end of 2012, a total of 4.3 million subscribers to pay-TV services in Spain , including television services through mobile devices. Of that total subscribers, the satellite pay TV represents 41.3% cable, 32.7% of television over the Internet, 18.8% and pay DTT, 7% .
The decline in the number of clients was unanimous trend for all pay-TV platforms last year. The services were lost more subscribers TV via Internet (with 126 566 subscribers less), followed by cable TV (with a loss of 97,665 subscribers) and pay DTT (93,157 subscribers less ). These are followed by the satellite TV platform, which lost more than 36,000 subscribers.
Increase revenue class=”ladillo”>Regarding income, platform satellite pay television increased its turnover . With an increase of 8.4%, this platform achieved revenues of 1,066.9 million euros. In terms of subscribers and revenues was the largest pay TV platform in Spain. The cable TV and pay DTT decreased its turnover, 11.6 and 19.3% over the previous year, respectively.
Both platformsrecorded highest growth in revenue was the Mobile TV (14.6%) and television over the Internet, which recorded an increase of 11.6% over the previous year. Advances in billing platforms are not related to advances in the service subscriber bases, because in 2012 all lost clients platforms.
Overall, revenues obtained by operators for television and radio, with a turnover of 3761.4 million, fell in 2012 by 8.8% over the turnover obtained in 2011, not including grants received by public operators national and regional level.
In 2012 these totaled 2,140.9 million euros, which implies an annual decrease of 8.3%. If you include these grants, revenues totaled audiovisual 5902.4 million euros, 8.6% less than in the previous year.

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