Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Imitators of Berlusconi and his girlfriend on television do not let ... - ABC.es


“Il mio raggazzo” (Berlusconi) and trains all day to be president, tries openings in the house and place your photo in all schools and in the courts. Am You wanted to see in the Courts. Here I am, “he exclaimed, laughing the class=”c5″> , the girlfriend of” Cavaliere “.

class=”p”> While Silvio Berlusconi is in full campaign against the judiciary after being sentenced Wednesday tax fraud , with a demonstration on Saturday at Brescia full of tension, he and his girlfriend, the girl Francesca Pascale, make you laugh on TV thanks to knockoffs two great comedians.

Italians today are wondering what Francesca Pascale, the Neapolitan who at age 27 has won the hearts of Silvio Berlusconi. She recently appeared with his trusty poodle Dudú at a rally of “Cavaliere”. News reports have talked about the couple living under the same roof and Pascale thus can have better control of his partner of 76 years with a passion for beautiful women. Some gossips spread the kind of crisis in the family , but it is just a rumor about two characters who are now part of all Italians, because both are imitated on television with singular mastery by two comedians that cause viewers hilarity.


On Friday night Crozza comedian performed a version of Silvio Berlusconi ‘crooner’, starting with a short satirical monologue today, highlighting the political disaster class=”c5″> , and the benefits he is getting: “If Al Capone had taken her aside a Democratic Party would still be here with us,” began saying Crozza.

“Since I’ve made my shares traded government have won 22 million a day,” says Crozza later, referring to Berlusconi has been largely inspired the current government policy making large profits and economic. Then a song class=”c5″> , the polls gave the 6% and now has the government captive, polls give him a 36% (real number) and will predict a boom reaching 40%.

His bride, the “first lady” on TV

also his girlfriend, Francesca Pascale, has returned to television. After its beginnings as a dancer in a small canal Naples, the Pascale has landed like it was the “first lady” in a program of RAI (“Quelli che … ‘), where every Sunday has an acclaimed performance. It is not really authentic Pascale, but a great imitator, Virginia Raffaele, speaking also with Neapolitan accent and referring to her boyfriend always calls Berlusconi “il mio ragazzo ‘.

Its success has been such that he was invited by the famous presenter Michele Santoro to your program, in which he explained that “il mio ragazzo” is prepared and all day at home to be president and tested openings with scissors cutting ribbons, “I opened up the microwave”, claimed the “bride” Pascale, further noting that when “il mio ragazzo” be president ” placed his picture in schools and courthouses. Am You wanted to see in the Courts. Here I am, “exclaimed laughingly Pascale’s impersonator.


Some sectors of Berlusconi’s party, the People of Freedom have been irritated by the cartoon that makes Francesca Pascale, even considering asking offensive even the intervention of the monitoring committee of the Public Broadcasting. But Francesca Pascale has dissociated from such criticism: “It seems a funny imitation. Obviously are to be a satire tones are exaggerated. I should add that they are very successful many of the traits of my character that personifies my imitator “says Pascale pouring water the fire of controversy. Often with diplomacy rather than earns front war. This should be the first lesson learned Francesca Pascale as “first lady”.

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