Sunday, May 12, 2013

Uruguayan government revoked permission Claro satellite TV -

Montevideo , 12 May. – The Uruguayan government revoked the permission granted to the Mexican company Claro to operate the satellite television system to subscribers, official sources said.

decree such a resolution was signed by Uruguayan President Jose Mujica , and the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Roberto Kreimerman, last Friday.

The decision could expose the government to a trial Uruguayan millionaire damages by the company.

The government’s decision is based, according to the decree approved by the President, on a “gross violation” of the rules governing the pay TV service.

In explaining the reasons for the revocation of the permit states that the company Flimay (Clear) is a company with shares and its sole shareholder is Metrored Holdings, “whose shareholders are unknown”, stated in the resolution.

With no identity of the holders or person named as a member of that society “are not being met with current legislation”, estimated the government.


they had authorization to operate satellite television subscribers in Uruguay for several years, recently announced its intention to begin with them causing concern to the authorities and the owners of the TV channels have also opened businesses in the subscription television.

general manager of Claro Uruguay, Horacio Alvarellos, said company lawyers Telmex (owner of course) based in Mexico analyze the text of the official resolution against to the possibility of facing a legal claim.

Uruguay has the second highest percentage of cell phones in Latin America , with nearly 147 phones per 100 inhabitants, second only to Panama.

state company Antel has 47% market share, Movistar 37% and 16% Sure.

two private companies are interested in exploiting satellite television subscribers in the country.


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Topics ANTEL
    • America
    • Government

    • José Mujica
    • Montevideo
    • World
    • Mexico
    • telecommunications service
    • Telefonica Moviles

    • Telmex

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