Saturday, May 11, 2013

Jimmy Iturri television leaves after being accused of MAS - Opinion - Opinion Bolivia

Strong ³ debate that you registered in studies ATB television network between two newscasters had today its first consequence, the director of content of the medium, Jimmy Iturri, television temporarily leaves n, reported the information portal Duty.

great controversial © mica began in social networks after the video was played on various internet portals and spaces.

Content Director ATB network, Jimmy iturri He abandoned the set of television n when the co-host of â œanoticiandoâ????, Ramón Grimalt he referred to his penchant politics.

The altercation He started out when journalists were getting ready to give their views on the

role of the press and Iturri defended the position n of exercising this office but under early â œizquierdaâ???? and to combat â œinjusticia Sociala????.

â € º think OETA conditioned by a discourse that is functional to a political party (â € |) I respect your professionalism and I have as a carÃsimo friend, but by the time you’ve put on a shirt and when you said that the process of change is the only thing that has to exist in the Paasa????, says ³.

Delfín Soraya Meanwhile, the third panel journalist opts to leave the incident ³ through a commercial break while Grimalt Live asserted that their claims will costarÃan the position.

ATB network owners change ± you in the year ± or 2012 and Sega º n versions disclosing ³ journalist Humberto Vacaflor Ganam this television company spent ³ at the hands of Venezuelan businessmen linked to the present government of that country, by â œpalos blancosâ????.

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