Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The television of the future, as in a restaurant: I choose what ... - Cadena Ser

What do these situations would be stupid in the world of hospitality and gastronomy? It is what we have been accepting-and willingly-when we’ve put in front of the TV: we have eaten what we have when we have it and where we have served. Without question.

For years we have been told that television is a medium in which the recipient is a passive, that only invaded by what they do get. For years we have said that a few major brands executives decided they would like it, ended gustándonos … And so, they formed a whole debate about whether I wanted the audience was so strings emitted or if the process was reversed. Pure passivity of the viewer whose greatest achievement, for years, was able to zap from the couch thanks to the remote control.

That was a first and long generation of television. So long that, in Spain, unlike other European countries, in particular, unlike US-phagocytosed the first generation to the second, that of satellite pay TV and cable. This second generation wanted to open a path to the segmentation of audiences with specialized thematic channels and payment. Why is my restaurant always serves sushi on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays noodles brussels sprouts if I do not like Japanese food or sprouts? Would not it be better than the lover of Japanese cuisine can access a complete menu of Japanese culture?

Those were the lines of the second generation of television: s something I like, I want to find that something more specifically, if I have to wait for it.

With the expansion of internet and its arrival in most households – according to a study by the INE in 2012, 64% of Spanish households were connected to the network, it was thought that the Internet could become a technology serving that over-eating monster called television. In Spain, we still think that DTT was the future and that televisions compatibilizarían their traditional role of being the computer screen. The TV increasingly fine was to be our internet gateway.

Nothing is further from reality. In the third generation of television, the viewer no longer a taxpayer to be the chooser, which determines what they want, how they want, when and where they want. In this third generation, as indicated by Pablo Romero Sullà, content director Yomvi “internet television has become a space in the television industry. There is and has a way to operate completely different. “

Netflix could well be the paradigm of this new era of television. A digital platform that is modeled on a VOD : I want to know what series, I know what I like movies, my favorite … and no, I have to enjoy it when program directors deem the big chains that is the best time to issue them. It is a VOD: see my favorite series when I want to and from the place where you want … because I watch TV from my iPad or from my laptop.

In Spain, as Yomvi platforms, with over half a million subscribers, we offer this model of VOD. In Window will interview content director, Paul Romero Sullà, an expert in the television market with which delve into the new way television undertaking hand Internet. It will, as every Wednesday in section Juanlu Sanchez network Life , in which we approach the world that is already part of our reality: internet.

Forget the remote control. Turn on the computer, smartphone, tablet … on TV that comes, as in a restaurant, we who choose our menu . And do not forget, like in a restaurant, we must also pay what you consume.

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