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-I think that’s enough right?
-I think not, I would say more truths, and with more order and conciseness. Pero.
In our time has greatly increased the temptation of vain curiosity or bad . For most of history the common man has had very limited access to news and publications access. Normally ordinary men lived closed in the news and comments from friends and neighbors, weddings and children, illness and death, of things in the game. They had no newspaper or radio. His books were the Bible and the Catechism, the lives of saints and devotional books, and maybe some unholy book of legend and adventure. To which is also added sometimes news normally received confusingly, coming out of the ordinary: political or social projects, construction of roads and buildings, war and peace, new taxes, etc. The man lived absorbed on himself and his family, his town and his works. And if I was religious, God-centered.
printing increased rapidly towards the 1500 Circle of affordable news people. But that was greatly accelerated accretion from a century ago by radio , for TV after, and more recently, this time in torrential and almost limitless-by Internet and the media provided by the computer .
Before 1500 Europe produced about 1,000 titles per year. A century was necessary to form a catalog of 100,000 works. But Europe in 1950 produced 120,000 titles in one year. In the late sixties the world book production was about 2,000 titles per day (Alvin Toffler, Future Shock , The Harvill Press, 1972, 44-45). And this quantitative explosion of publications has been logically equivalently in Christian publications . If formerly a monastic library was considered important to collect several hundred books, today any particular reader can have a thousand or 3,000 books at home.
But Internet was the medium that has grown immensely not only the amount of news publications, texts and images, but the easy accessibility to all those knowledge objects . Anyone with a computer or appropriate computer terminal has immediate access to many millions of sites network ( web ), which give news with texts, images and sounds about almost omni re scibile .
is difficult to know how many web pages exist on the Internet, but there are an estimated 861 million. Over a third of the inhabitants the world use internet. And the number of “objects” connected to Internet is almost immeasurable: personal computers and computer terminals, automated teller machines and boxes of supermarket, traffic lights and road alerts, security cameras and alarms, weather stations, webcams …
The real world is thus doubled in a virtual world . A world-B, which is a replica of a large part of the most important objects in the world-A, is suddenly accessible to anyone, instant and free way, anywhere, not just in his office or in a library, but in any event, while eating, lying in bed, walking in a garden, driving a car.
Moreover, computer and electronic devices were initially relatively expensive , but are increasingly perfect and cheapest , so that hardware and software, at least in its simplest models, developed countries are in the reach of the vast majority of the population equipment such as radio, television, mobile phone or , smart-phone, landline, laptop, tablet computer and communication systems such as electronic mail (e-mail ), Short Message Service (SMS ), Skype, Hangouts, Messenger , Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Wahtsapp, personal blogs …
Positive values ??of this immense development of communications are obvious . New media allow broadcast news, images, scientific, religious, technical education, instantly and economically, men from all over the world. Made accessible to everyone, including poor people, often for free, text or graphic objects that were previously unaffordable for many. In the life of the universal Church Mass transfer of catechetical resources, doctrinal, access to libraries, etc -. They have, and have to have more, important. Among Christians, the media can foster the communion of saints , providing aid to people who have to live the faith and counter alone, and inform many people of good works and initiatives, facilitating their possible collaboration therein. These technological advances allow for the maintenance and development of personal relationships in families, among friends or in wider circles, that could not happen without them. They make it possible-as we all know in InfoCatólica-daily collaboration in a single work of a number of people, sometimes located in different locations or even countries. They allow a relatively powerful and expansive public voice back-to consider the case of human groups InfoCatólica-very low economic potential. Etc.
Finally, the relationship would be endless advantages of print, radio, telephone, television, internet. From here , this formidable technical development of communications, raised by Divine Providence in our time, helps humanity in which there are so many cultures, different races and nations go considering itself as one world family .
temptations and dangers of new media are also very large. And in this regard I especially noticing, for positive values ??are obvious. The observations that I will have to be quite messy and general, they are very different media available, such as those just mentioned. But these considerations may be helpful for personal reflection. And also, I hope, can cause valuable comments on this article, clarifying and expand as it is reached say.
Light and Darkness . The abundance of lies and pornography is big in the media, especially television and the internet. That abundance of evil is a sign of the power that this virtual world is the devil. The Second Vatican Council teaches that “all human life, individual and collective, is presented as a struggle, and a dramatic one, between good and evil, between light and darkness” (Gaudium et Spes 13). “Throughout human history there is an uphill battle against the power of darkness”, which will last until the last day (37). Well, this huge and continuous combat that exists in the real world, it is also the virtual world.
Evangelical Poverty . That means a whole lot a person connected with the world around him, and if the connection is too easily mundaniza the , or what is the same, the de-Christianized. So has also lived in these matters evangelical poverty as a great liberating force. The lower consumption of the world, in principle, the better. But the prudent use and consumption, there will surely be very different in a farmer, a journalist, a priest, a politician, a housewife.
In any case, poverty should be inclined to - as little as possible, just the necessary and appropriate, never superfluous. If we managed fine with a mobile phone, have us resist smartfone. And it should also be inclined to -use with the greatest sobriety possible means we have. Whether it is sufficient to call home once a day, do not call in the morning and afternoon and evening
Children . Giving a child a smartfhone is like giving a machine gun, recommending the use with care. It is virtually impossible for the child no harm is done with a computer terminal that potential. It is unpredictable which makes it a useful and good use. A child or adolescent will often suffice mobile, whereas if you have it, and if the phone has no internet connection, the better. Birthdays, Christmas celebrations and other similar occasions, must never be used for gift items that are harmful to the receiving person.
Privacy and communicativeness are two values ??that must be brought into perspective. -A perhaps haughty and self-sufficient privacy , which leads to a morbidly lonely and self-centered-a situation sometimes disguised mysticism-religious people can be harmful and oppressive. -A communicativeness excessive, in which someone is bound by various means-staff blog, email lists, facebook, twitter-hundreds of people, not quite making real friends with any, occupies long time, resulting in a shower of responses, sometimes suscitarán replicas. It must sometimes that compulsive communicativeness of egocentrism, which makes you think the super-communicative subject what happens to him, he has had thoughts, readings or trips or experiences that are occurring in your life, must be communicated to the more the merrier. Note that some narcissism can be both excessive privacy egocentric and communicativeness unlimited usual. The saints, even more active and public vocation, showing instead a tendency to go unnoticed, to anyone to look at them, to be transparent to Christ alone: ??his life “is hid with Christ in God” (Col 3 3).
intimate communicativeness . There are people who get naked in public their intimate moods, successes and failures. It is seen that, as yours, they seem very important, which can be widely logically. Facebook and twitter are especially suited to it. They thus open to the world, when in fact ensimisman , lock themselves more and more in themselves and in the vicissitudes, sometimes minimal, his personal life. They think everything important happens, however insignificant, and so they tell their friends-perhaps daily or several times a day-, and sometimes not only their friends but the public in general … In some cases, create situations in which one experiences embarrassment. But there are others, however, who consider such confidential information very interesting. They are probably others who are addicted to the same vice. They receive these expansive Intimacies forward, and with your comments and encourage them superadded confidences. And this feedback (feedback ) (cause-effect-cause-effect) is multiplied forming a huge vicious circle of communications.

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Impulsivity . A person, for example, read an article that seems valuable and refers to a list of a hundred “friends.” It easily follows that if such impulsive and compulsive communicativeness is also given, as is common, many people in your cyber environment, being connected to email or to certain social networks can bring be continually strafed by countless messages, images, videos, reports , questionnaires. undesirable or simply unwanted. Some suffer such a rain of computer shipments, which are forced to disconnect from certain media or restrict access to the end of strangers or acquaintances unbearable.
It is also worth noting that in this world of cyber communication abounds surprising aggressiveness . Perhaps it is partly because many of the interventions Ratings are anonymous ( nick , for example, generally used in the blog comments). Probably the same people who argue on the network and using insulting words thick, physically gathered in a room to discuss an issue, have a polite and respectful behavior, very different from that commonly used in the computer world.
Verbiage . Some users of social networks are never tired of talking, I mean, to write messages. Now if those countless messages are 1) short (may not be long if there are many), and 2) personal , it is almost inevitable to avoid superficiality, narcissism , foolishness, gossip, rash judgment, misunderstandings and arguments, sometimes violent, pointless chatter, vain to perfectly unnecessary. How many times men “quietly, we are better.”
A Christ sends the apostles, he knowing the usual verbiage of mutual greetings in the Semitic world, give them this instruction: “Salute no one on the road” (Luke 10 , 4). The phrase is formally very extremosa, but is well understood. It says: “Do not waste time on unnecessary conversations too wordy, you dedicate yourselves to your evangelizing mission because time passes, and there is nothing more urgent in this world preaching the Gospel.” And remember what we said no to your special apostolic post, but to all men, to all Christians: “In truth I tell you that men will give account on judgment day of every idle word [reckless] you have said. For by your words you will be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned “(Matthew 12.36 to 37).
Message Filters . In many cases, to reduce the uncontrollable ametrallaiento our correspondents becomes essential to the development of a list (blacklist ) that blocks effectively. Certain filters for mail, sometimes free, like Mail Washer , come to be indispensable aids. There are other filters that are recommended to shield themselves against waves of computer pornography.
Pornography . As you know, internet is a virtual world in much occupied by pornography, which is tough whether you like it soft, is pornographic. Never the devil of lust so powerful and has had almost ubiquitous media accomplices to tempt people . For most of human history, at least for most citizens, the temptations that much more distant. It was necessary to go to a brothel, indecent attend a show or buy a magazine or book obscene. Currently the diabolical lust pervades much of the real world. And it seems clear that the virtual world is even more pornographic by far the world real. Therefore, it is mandatory that children, adolescents and adults know and recognize clearly that aimlessly surfing the Internet is like running around without major caveats go for mine field strewn liberally. No one should be surprised if soon form a crowd of men lame, maimed, one-eyed, blind … or dead.
We autoprohibirnos the internáuticos walks aimlessly. And not just because of the danger of pornography. Random internet surfing, browsing here and there without elected and certain searches, is a bad habit, which often brings great loss of time, promoting vain curiosity, and sometimes morbid, tickets dens and gambling which the user may never come anywhere in the real world.
The Christian life must always elegant , that is, must be a sequence of human actions : conscious, free, chosen (-tis elegans , of eligere choose). The Christian should be elegant in each and every one of the usual ways of life: times, prayer, sacraments, readings, food, clothing, relationship with others, work, modes of rest, sleep, exercise physical, study, vacation, etc.. Must be continually elegant because it has received the mandate Lord and spiritual strength to “not configured to this century ‘, renewing, however, full life as” the will of God, good and acceptable and perfect “(Rom 12:2) . Sign assiduously in the tangle of social networking greatly decreases the free status of our life, creating links, occasions and activities, which largely determine our criteria and behavioral patterns, and require our attention and activity. Our life is then not so much under the direction of our free choices, ie, under the initiative and action of the Holy Spirit, but at the mercy of external, worldly and always changing stimuli.
Addiction . The world of computer communication, so immense, fascinating, varied, instant, free, affordable, unlimited, moody, has great potential to create user- addictions as strong or alcoholism or drug addiction. Treatments to get rid of bad links addictive must be applied with great rigor and perseverance – “with resolute determination,” they say, Santa Teresa, and have modes that require specific addiction. As reliable studies have already demonstrated and evaluated, among the various media are television and the Internet the most produced in excessive users certain hypnotic effects, which lose much of uptake over time and almost nullify the freedom of will in its practical exercise. Excessive drinking, for example, can make a man come to be an alcoholic. And when he is already missed use -free drink, lost guiltily, and now if baby falls into the Abuse inevitably. Is clear: the misuse of personal freedom in the drink led him to lose his freedom from it. That person will maintain some degree freedom other aspects of their lives; may, for example, away from their bad friends, but if freely joins them to drink, I was there just freedom, and alcoholic inevitably falls in captivity. This is exactly like addictions to the media.
Abstinence . Children, youth and adults must be very aware of our vulnerability to addictions that we can form if resisting divine grace, we do not use our freedom well, particularly on the Internet. And we all should know, know perfectly temperance societies-that is impossible to leave the Abuse and reach use without going through total abstinence . There are addictions to television, internet, the use of certain morbid social networks, which can only be overcome completely depriving the use of such means or reducing this extreme measure. This is what we want to teach our Lord Jesus Christ when he says “if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it is best for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell” (Mt 5,29). That strong ascetic is the only true and effective.
Having, for example, at a television that captivates us with his usual fascination is to accept a loss of personal freedom in a relatively large area of ??our life. The TV then takes over the person, and since it has not television, but is owned for her. Keep it in your room it’s like having a lost tiger. In a house can be a tiger, but provided it is tied or confined in a cage. Keep in freedom is suicidal.
is false, and often the person knows, you can escape a similar captivity gradually , slowly “I’ll keep watching, but moderately ‘,’ I’ll keep drinking, but with much more care than they should not happen.” Multiple negative experiences show and demonstrate clearly that the addict strongly rooted in addictions is im-po-si-ble pass Abuse to use by a gradual decrease. This person must stop drinking completely. He has to get away from his friends tabernarios. Please remove of your room television. You must disconnect of facebbok, twitter or whatever. “Dead Dog rabies is over.” “On occasion there is the danger.” If you really want to beat the opponent and not fall into it, you have to take the chance. No need to think it twice. There is no other way.
Social networking is addictive , they are just to be prepared. Suggest always more to do, more people to connect, more collaborations, more imaging supplies, games, activities you participate photo albums on travel, weddings, christenings. For example, facebook . And the more you use, the more stimuli and hooves raises. As some reports say, many users who spend several hours a day captives that virtual world, in consultation and intervening in it all the time. Thus favors this media and similar indefinite multiplication of contacts, but always distant and virtual, without consistency and commitment implicit real friendly contacts. There are lonely people who initially expect to find in company networks that are missing, but they will soon experiencing the assiduous dedication to these media increases their loneliness, not decrease, and even read dissociate more real-world.
Logically, given its format, media like twitter , which can not go beyond 140 characters, lead to interventions very many and very short , so that it is almost inevitable that encourage criticism, gossip, the epigrammatic language, always joking, brief and vague term, superficial topics trivial, the allusive language, strongly worded polemics, fights insulting. Quite frequently, the use of this medium and the like the distinction between private and public conversation is not saved wisely , thereby causing harm and damage, sometimes severe, especially in characters public, artists, politicians, who are entangled by their loquacity cibernática with pressing demands for explanations or excuses, with attacks in the press, with corrections, etc.. A disaster. You can cautiously closed a personal to a very small circle, absolutely trustworthy communication, but enough that one unwisely pass it to another less trust and discretion, so that eventually those phrases or compromising images have a anycast
Doing good , in all its forms, is the best way to avoid doing wrong . Our Lord Jesus Christ “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). We can pray, study, integrate into our lives the Mass and the liturgical hours, be with the spouse and children, help them, talk to our friends and family, make some crafts, assist a suffering family, daily see a person she is alone, teaching catechism in the parish, helping out in the parish Caritas Choir or participate in any Christian association-there are many, varied, good-, complete with well-chosen readings some important gaps in our doctrinal and moral formation historical and aesthetic, music, physical exercise. The need of exercise is peculiar to our time, as many taxes we come very sedentary modes of life do not have to chop wood and carry it then not have to draw water and bring it to the house, and we climb four flights of stairs, either we have to walk several kilometers every day because of work, etc.. This situation makes it imperative that, through exercise, respiratory and assiduously reactivate muscular, circulatory and nervous systems.
How Addict time information and communications virtual It is clear that the family is concerned, religious life, work, attention to friends and the needy, are a set of primary objects for our attention and dedication. And almost always, to serve them as we would like, we are very short of time. This is the reality. What, then, makes your life media junkie
May be I do not say that is always the case, of course, that spill into endless random computer searches, or entanglement in computer completely useless dialogue (“today Matías put his sentence on the wall at 3.27 pm “-.” It takes days with disturbed sleep “-” I hit a lot of fight between Ana and Terminator “-” No, it’s not why “-” What do you know? “- “Questions or accuse?” – “Wonder” – “They changed the work in the company” -. “? For up or down” etc).. Once the dialogue is over, esteeming high interest, copies it and sends it to 12 friends. Then passes a video whose link you sent a family: “Dogs fight in El Pedregal ‘, terrible, terrible, bloody. Email the video link to a list of 37 correspondents. Watch a time-three-quarter-time major national newspapers. Compare how to give each other the news. Answer, sometimes very briefly, 17 emails, and eliminates 32 without seeing them. Write in a personal blog comment, and 3 more, using names ( nicks ) different in a digital portal. Meanwhile advertising, propaganda, everywhere you go. Spend some time visiting their facebook accounts first and then twitter … And so, day after day. All that sitting. Hours and hours … That’s not life.
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Television will least over internet . According to some reports, the TV as we know it, is in danger of extinction, or at least lose much of their influence in society. Every time he sees fewer people, and those who see it are greater, because young people prefer to search the internet for information, music or movies that interest them, and not ‘obligated’, the hours they prefer and not “the part time or program “, etc.. There are few families in which the TV is used only a few times a week to see together a program or the contents of an interesting DVD. This step passive reception to search active of information objects or graphics is, in principle, a deposit, first release. In itself avoids overly servile dependence on “what we get into TV,” which we often sneaks vanities, pornography or programs designed to serve certain social engineering of the politicians who dominate the middle. And almost all without us noticing.
Term remembering what the divine Word has told us in the four preceding articles (251-254).
– “Pray always” all the time: we will never forget God. “In Him we live, we exist and we are.” Live in his presence. – “Behold the Lord and we will be radiant ‘,’ more look things above, where Christ is, not the bottom.” -Pray “my eyes away from the vanities, give me life with your word.” – “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out and throw it away.”