Monday, January 20, 2014

Venezuelan TV faces the risk of new controls - Brownsville Herald

Telenovelas, which for years were with the oil and beauty queens the main exports of Venezuela, are now in the middle debate and face the risk of possible new regulations to the accusations made by the authorities that they would be promoting the increased violence that reigns in the South American country.

President Nicolas Maduro expected to meet in the next few hours with the management of private broadcasters and representatives of cable companies to start a review on programming channels, which he transmitted “antivalues ??of death cult drugs, weapons cult, the cult of violence. “

Venezuela is considered one of the most violent countries in the region, witha homicide rate according to official records is 39 per 100,000, but according to independent estimates closed last year from 79 per 100,000 inhabitants.

crime this month acquired prominence after the assassination of the popular actress and former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear, life with your partner in a vehicle on a highway in central Mexico. The daughter of actress, aged five, was injured by a bullet in the leg.

Although authorities have not provided further details of which could involve the review, industry analysts and television personalities fear that the government could have greater control over the contents of the channels that are regulated by a special law since 2004 . Current legislation places restrictions on the broadcasting of programs with sexual content and violence.

production of telenovelas, which for years was a profitable export, entered into a recession because of the economic difficulties facing the country.

During the last year the country saw only a soap opera and local channels has incurred strong “self-censorship” to avoid millions in fines imposed by the law regulating the broadcast media, told the AP the writer and writer Alberto Barrera Tyszka.

In his annual message to Congress, on Wednesday, Maduro lashed to private channels, and particularly criticized a local soap opera, whose name is not mentioned, which said that the star “has missed the peak ( killed) more than nine. Was killed to his mother. killed her and the hero. “

In response, the local telenovela actress “In any way roses” Norkys Batista, said on his Twitter account that his character Andreina Vallejo, referred to by the governor, is a psychopath, but said it is only a character. The soap opera is broadcast at night by Venevision channel.

Not the first time Maduro criticized telenovelas. Last August, the president announced that the government would produce soap operas to face the “anti-values” of transmitting local media, many of which are of Colombian and Mexican bill.

Maduro, like its predecessor Hugo Chavez has questioned U.S. productions as “Spider-Man” and has said that the film is a “factory antivalues” that encourages violence among children.

Barrera Tyszka considered “ridiculous” that the government accountable the problem of violence “within an hour or two in the evening soap opera,” and said that “generates more violence the number of illegal weapons in the country that recognized by the government are between 9 and 15 million. “

The writer stated that the Venezuelan telenovela of recent years has been subject to a “self-censorship” by local regulations that exist to the broadcast media, and is “much less violent than it could be another type of telenovela”.

“No weapons appear almost in the Venezuelan telenovela. There are a number of things that are not done for fear of being fined,” he added.


Cañizalez, communication researcher in the area of ??Andrés Bello Catholic University in Caracas, expressed concern that this new government initiative can be used to open “a new front for government controls on content are extended in the media. “

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