Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Die multifaceted Spanish actress Carmen Zapata - El Nuevo Herald

The multifaceted Emmy nominated actress Carmen Zapata, who created a foundation to promote Hispanic playwrights, died of cardiac complications. He was 86.

Zapata died surrounded by her family on Sunday at his home in the Van Nuys, California, said Luis Vela, marketing manager of the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts, created by Zapata in Los Angeles.

The actress, daughter of a Mexican father and mother Argentina, born in New York in 1927. He began his career in 1945 in the Broadway musical “Oklahoma” and starred in “Bells Are Ringing” and “Guys and Dolls”, among many other works.

“It was an inspiration to me,” Vela said. “It taught me that art is the key to solving the differences in the community.”

Zapata Vela said that once asked if he wanted to be remembered as an artist, producer and founder. “I prefer that people remember us as educators,” Zapata said, he recalled Vela.

His film credits include “Sister Act” (“Sister Act”), “Boyz Gang” and “Carola”. He also participated in dozens of television series, including nine seasons of bilingual children’s show “Villa Alegre” PBS.

Zapata had recurring roles on the television shows “The Man and the City” and “The New Dick Van Dyke Show”. He also participated in numerous music more as “Bloomer Girl,” “No Strings,” “Show Boat,” “Stop the World, I Want to Get Off” and “Funny Girl”.

1973 Zapata joined forces with actress, playwright and director Margarita Galban Cuban gets the Bilingual Foundation of the Arts.

organization produces four plays a year Hispanic playwrights presented in the theater. The works are presented in English and Spanish, while in some cases have toured.

Zapata was nominated for an Emmy as best supporting actress for her role in “Medical Center” and “Carola” in “Hollywood TV Theatre”.

Vela said he saw Zapata last Christmas Eve.

“Everyone who worked with her felt that they had created something very important and that was helping to improve our community,” Vela said. “He felt that what we did in the foundation was more important than personal recognition.”

die Zapata was not working on any project, Vela said, but supervised and approved ideas will were presented.

details of his funeral were being refined.

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