Saturday, January 18, 2014

Astro from "Bachelor" regrets antigay expression - Brownsville Herald

The star of “The Bachelor” on ABC program made statements against gay Saturday that caused a quick reprimand own television and an apology from the same party.

Juan Pablo Galavis

told TV website The Page did not believe a single gay or bisexual would give a good example for children. Galavis also said Friday the site that gays were more “perverted, in a sense,” adding that could be wrong.

Saturday Galavis issued an apology on his Facebook page, noting that respects gay, having gay friends, including one “like a brother” and regrets having used the word “pervert”. Galavis, who is Latino, claimed that the word selection was because English is their second language, after Spanish.

“What I meant was that gay people are more loving and intense and that a segment of the TV audience would be too naughty to be acceptable. program is already very hot as it is and not allow my daughter five years to see, “said the single father of Miami.

apologize to those who might be offended, Galavis said his statements were used out of context and that the full interview in the site internetThe Page TV shows respect for gays and their families.

In a statement, ABC scored its declarations of “careless, thoughtless and insensitive” and does not represent the chain, the show’s producers and the studio. On “The Bachelor” program came to be presented on January 6 in its 18th season.

Galavis was not available for comment on Saturday, ABC said.

second American television personality that attracts attention by making statements against gays. The patriarch Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” program was briefly suspended from chain A & E for making statements against gays as sinners to qualify in an interview with GQ magazine.

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