Fuentepiñel neighbors also had fun and met the tradition of wearing colorful costumes. / Juan Lazaro Cuellar
Besides kissing and necking gesture of the hands, new technologies continue to prevail in the customs of the people here.
messages for whatsapp multiplied throughout the day. More and more to supplement the traditional postcards and emails. Thus, the phones have become a key element in the dinner table, with silverware.
Among Segovia who took advantage was the proximity to Madrid to move to the capital of the kingdom and be in the Puerta del Sol to be a direct witness of the twelve. But this rite was followed by the bulk of Segovia, who use television as a tool fedataria marking the end of the year and the beginning of the new.
A year neighboring Abbots were early risers in celebration. As has been happening for years will, on Monday celebrated the Prenochevieja 30 to 31 hours had a more familiar environment. Elsewhere in the county the tradition continued. Very few people and eat grapes against the Town Hall clock in the Plaza Mayor.

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